
Tour 26 days, in the footsteps of ancient Peru

Make the absolute most out of your time in Peru with this 26 day adventure. During the tour you are going to visit the City of Kings, Lima and Caral; observe the beautiful snow capped mountains in Huaraz and Chavin culture; walk through the largest mud brick city in Latin America – Chan Chan; visit museums and the Royal Tombs of Sipan in Chiclayo; touring in Paracas National Reserve and Ballestas Islands; fly over Nazca Lines appreciating huge geometric designs and anthropo zoomorphic figures; the White City of Arequipa with Misti Volcano; hike in the Colca Canyon; sail on the highest navigable lake in the world, Lake Titicaca and its beautiful islands. Appreciate the capital of the Inca Empire, Cusco; its Sixteenth Chapel of Americas; the temple of Viracocha God; The Sacred Valley of the Incas. Finally you are going to enjoy of one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Machu Picchu.

About the Payment

To book the tour you should pay a warranty in advance, and the balance will be paid at your arrival to Cusco City to your host.

Select your warranty amount


Warranty payment:  US $

Rates Per Person

 Hoteles 2 **

Single Room

USD 5105

Double Room

USD 3855

Triple Room

USD 3605
Choice Hotels

 Hoteles 3 ***

Single Room

USD 5955

Double Room

USD 4355

Triple Room

USD 4030
Choice Hotels

 Hoteles 4 ****

Single Room

USD 6635

Double Room

USD 4700

Triple Room

USD 4440
Choice Hotels

Tour Itinerary

First day:

  • Welcoming reception and transfer to hotel (In the morning).
  • City tour in the “City of Kings” (14:00 hrs to 18:30 hrs).
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Lima.

Second day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Tour in the Archaeological Complex of Pachacamac (09:00 hrs – 13:30 hrs).
  • Free afternoon.
  • Bus from Lima to Huaraz (22:30 hrs – 07:00 hrs).

Third day:

  • Transfer from the bus station to the hotel in Huaraz.
  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Tour to Llanganuco lagoon and Huaylas Alley (09:00 hrs – 16:00 hrs).
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Huaraz.

Fourth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Tour in the Temple of Chavin (09:00 hrs – 16:00 hrs).
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Huaraz.

Fifth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Tour to Pastoruri Snow-capped Mountain and Puya Raimondi (09:00 hrs – 16:00 hrs).
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Huaraz.

Sixth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • City tour in Huaraz.
  • Visit to the hot springs of Monterrey.
  • Transfer from the bus station to the hotel in Huaraz.
  • Bus from Huaraz to Trujillo (21:40 hrs – 05.20hrs).

Seventh day:

  • Transfer from the bus station to the hotel in Trujillo.
  • Free morning.
  • Tour Paso Fino horses (12:40 hrs – 15:30 hrs).
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Trujillo.

Eighth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Tour in the Temple of the Sun, Moon and Rainbow.
  • Tour to Chan Chan “The largest mud-brick city in the world”.
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Trujillo.

Ninth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • City tour in the morning (Walking)
  • Tour El Brujo (10:30 hrs – 14:30 hrs)
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Trujillo.

Tenth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Transfer from the hotel to the bus station.
  • Bus from Trujillo to Chiclayo (3hrs).
  • City tour and visit to Mercado de Brujos.
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Chiclayo.

Eleventh day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Tour to Sipan and Bruning Museum.
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Chiclayo.

Twelfth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Visit to the Museum of Sican, Pomac Forest, and Túcume.
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Chiclayo.

Thirteenth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Transfer from the hotel to the airport in Chiclayo.
  • Flight from Chiclayo to Lima (1:15 hrs).
  • Transfer from the airport to the hotel in Lima.
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Lima.

Fourteenth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Transfer from the hotel in Lima to the bus station to Paracas.
  • Bus from Lima to Paracas (0400 hrs – 07:00 hrs).
  • Tour to Ballestas Islands. (08:00 hrs to 10:00 hrs)
  • Tour to Paracas National Reserve (11:00 hrs to 15:00 hrs).
  • Transfer from Paracas Port to the bus station.
  • Bus from Paracas to Nazca (16:00 hrs – 19:00 hrs).
  • Transfer from the bus station to the hotel.
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Nazca.

Fifteenth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Nazca Lines Overflight (Duration of 2 to 2:30 hrs)
  • Tour in Chauchilla Cemetery .
  • Transfer to the bus station.
  • Bus from Nazca to Arequipa.
  • Transfer from the bus station to the hotel in Arequipa.
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Arequipa.

Sixteenth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Free morning.
  • City Tour in Arequipa visiting: Santa Catalina Convent, cloister of Jesus’ Company, the neighborhoods of Cayma and Yanahuara, and observe El Misti Volcano. (14:00 hrs – 18:00 hrs).
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Arequipa.

Seventeenth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Trek to Colca Canyon, one of the deepest canyon in the world.
  • Overnight at hotel in Colca.

Eighteenth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Tour to the Condor Cross.
  • Bus from Chivay to Puno.
  • Reception and transfer from the bus station to the hotel.
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Puno.

Nineteenth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Tour in Titicaca Lake, visiting : Uros and Taquile Islands.
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Puno.

Twentieth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Transfer from the hotel in Puno to the bus station to Cusco.
  • Tour in the route Puno to Cusco, “The Sun’s Route” (6:40 hrs – 17:30 hrs).
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Cusco.

Twenty-First day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Free morning (optional: Visit Museums)
  • In the afternoon city tour visiting: The Cathedral, Koricancha, Sacsayhuaman, Kenko, Puca Pucara and Tambomachay (13:15 hrs – 18:30 hrs.).
  • Live typical dances show and music of Cusco (19:00 hrs to 20:00 hrs).
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Cusco.

Twenty-Second day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Tour to Sacred Valley of the Incas: Pisac Indian Market, archaeological sites of Pisac and Ollantaytambo. (08:30 hrs – 16:00 hrs).
  • Buffet lunch in Urubamba.
  • Inca Rail train ride from Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes (From 16:36 hrs to 18:09 hrs).
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Aguas Calientes – Machupicchu.

Twenty-Third day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • 5:30 a.m. Bus to go up from Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu.
  • 6:00 a.m. View sunrise at Machu Picchu.
  • Climb up to Huayna Picchu (3 hours without Guide) – (1st Group 7:00 to 8:00 a.m.) (2nd Group 10:00 -11: 00am) (Optional).
  • Guided tour in Machu Picchu (2 hours approximately).
  • Bus to go down from Machupicchu to Aguas Calientes.
  • Lunch in Aguas Calientes.
  • Train ride from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo (19:00 hrs 20:40 hrs).
  • Transfer from the train station to your hotel in Cusco.
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Cusco.

Twenty-Fourth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Free day (Optional: Visit museums and go shooping).
  • Music show on farewell dinner.
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Cusco.

Twenty-Fifth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Transfer from the hotel to the airport in Cusco.
  • Flight from Cusco to Lima (1:15 hrs)
  • Transfer from the airport to the hotel in Lima.
  • Free afternoon.
  • Overnight at selected hotel in Lima.

Twenty-Sixth day:

  • Breakfast at hotel.
  • Transfer from the hotel to the airport for your international flight.

End of our services


  • All transfers from the hotel, airport, bus stations, and attractions.
  • Air tickets Cusco – Lima and Chiclayo – Lima.
  • Tours to Machu Picchu, Sacred Valley of the Incas, City tour in Cusco, Titicaca Lake, the path of the Sun, City tour in the city of Kings, Pachacamac, Colca Canyon, Arequipa, Ballestas Islands, Sican Museum, Forest Pomac, Tucume, Sipan, Bruning Museum, City tour in Trujillo, Chan Chan, Temples of the Sun, Rainbow and Moon, city tour in Huaraz, Trujillo, Chavin de Huantar Temple, Llanganuco Lagoon and Huaylas Alley.
  • Bus ticket from Lima to Huaraz.
  • Bus ticket from Huaraz to Trujillo.
  • Bus ticket from Trujillo to Chiclayo.
  • All transportation for tours.
  • Train tickets Ollantaytambo – Aguas Calientes (round trip).
  • Bus tickets for up and down Aguas Calientes – Machu Picchu.
  • English speaker tour guide.
  • Bus from Ollantaytambo to Cusco.
  • Entrance fee to visit Machu Picchu, Huaynapicchu, Sacred Valley of the Incas, City tour in Cusco, Titicaca Lake, the path of the Sun, City tour in the city of Kings, Pachacamac, Colca Canyon, Arequipa, Ballestas Islands, Sican Museum, Forest Pomac, Tucume, Sipan, Bruning Museum, City tour in Trujillo, Chan Chan, Temples of the Sun, Rainbow and Moon, city tour in Huaraz, Trujillo, Chavin de Huantar Temple, Llanganuco Lagoon and Huaylas Alley.
  • 24 nights in hotel.
  • 25 breakfast.
  • 04 lunches (01 in the tour to the Sacred Valley, 01 in Aguas Calientes, 01 on the route from Puno to Cusco, and 01 in Titicaca Lake).
  • Music Show on farewell dinner in Cusco.

Not Included:

  • Meals (lunches and dinners not mentioned in the program).
Note: Special discount applies to Peruvian tourists and members of the Andean Community of Nations.

Route Map

Maps Tour Our tour of 26 days in Peru |

Tour Description

First day: Welcome and City Tour in the city of Kings.

Lima, ciudad de Reyes

Upon your arrival to Jorge Chavez International Airport, our staff will be waiting for you with a sign displaying your name. You will then be transported to your selected hotel where you can have some free time to rest and have lunch. In the afternoon we are going visit: the smallest district of Lima, Barranco which is famous for the Bridge of Sighs; the Hermitage and the monument to Isabel Granada Larco “Chabuca Granda”; the Love Park; the Justice Palace; the French Palace and colonial buildings such as the Mayor Plaza , the Government Palace, the Archbishop’s Palace, the Cathedral, the Municipal Palace, Plaza San Martin, among others.
We are also going to visit the National Museum, where you can find a collection of gold from Peru and a selection of ceramics, jewellery and textiles of its different pre-Columbian cultures. Continuing with our tour we are going to visit the Church and Convent of San Francisco then we will return to the hotel.

Second day: Tour in the Archaeological Complex of Pachacamac.


You will board your transportation and after a journey of 45 minutes you will arrive at Pachacamac. This temple was built 700 B.C. with mud-brick to worship the Sun God. It consists of a set of temples, pyramids and palaces, among which you will find the “Temple of the Sun”, the “temple of Pachacamac”, the Acllahuasi” or “Palace of the Sun’s Virgins “, enclosures and catacombs, which have recently been restored. It is considered to have been one of the main ceremonial centers of the pre-Incan times. Pilgrims flocked here from far away to worship Pachacamac, creator of the world and its creatures. The best preserved part is the Inca section. Visit the local museum which houses an interesting collection of pre-hispanic relics. In the afternoon you will have free time to rest and at the scheduled time you will be transferred to the bus station to board the bus to Huaraz.

Third day: Tour to Llanganuco lagoon and Huaylas Alley.


You will be transported to Huaylas Alley and along the route you will see beautiful towns such as: Carhuaz, Mancos, Ranrahirca and Yungay. Later you will go into the Cordillera Blanca where the Llanganuco Lagoon is located. Its at 3,850 meters above sea level, located between Huascaran and Huandoy, two snow capped mountains, with stunning turquoise waters and surrounded by beautiful queñuales. Later you will return to Yungay and head for Caraz City.In the afternoon we will return to Huaraz and on the way you will visit some ceramic shops.

Fourth day: Tour in Temple of Chavin.

Templo de Chavin

At the scheduled time you will visit the Temple of Chavin de Huantar, one of the most representative ceremonial centers of the High Peruvian culture, which is more than 3,000 years old. Here you will see its monumental architecture, its sunken plazas, underground galleries and the fine lithic art emphasizing the Monolith Lanzon of Chavin. Here you will find also the Raimondi Stela with anthropomorphic representations and the Tello Obelisk. You will explore the Home of the Falcons with their columns, cornices and the Stone Heads surrounding the Mayor Templo. During our tour you will visit the mining towns of Querococha Lagoon, Cahuish Tunnel, located at 4,178 meters above sea level that crosses the Cordillera Blanca, joining Huaylas Alley with Conchucos Alley.

Fifth day: Tour to Pastoruri Snow-capped Mountain and Puya Raimondi.

Puya Raimondi

After breakfast you will visit the grotto of St. Patrick, Ticapampa, Catac, Patococha lagoon and the highest exponent of the Andean flora “La Puya Raimondi”. The gasified source of Puma pampa, the water fountain of Pumashimin (colorful lagoon) and the rock art located in walls. Finally you will make a short hike to the majestic Pastoruri snow capped mountain to appreciate its glacier formations and experience an unforgettable walk in the snow and play on natural slides formed in the ice.

Sixth day: City tour in Huaraz and Bus from Huaraz to Trujillo.

City Tour en Huaraz

In the morning, you will tour through main attractions of the city. On the way you will visit: Regional Museum, Temple of the Lord of Solitude (Huaraz City Patron), Jose Olaya Street (an older street), a Trout Hatchery, Huanchac Look-out and Monterrey hot spring. In the afternoon you will be transferred to the bus station, from where you will board a bus to Trujillo City.

Seventh day: Tour Paso Fino horses.

Caballo de paso

After a short break you will visit a horse farm where you will enjoy the show and the delicious seafood. Here you will have time for horseback riding and photo sessions.

Eighth day: Tour in the Temples of the Sun, Moon and Rainbow and tour to Chan Chan.

Ciudadela de Chan Chan

On the eighth morning the tour will begin by visiting the Museum Las Huacas de Moche, where 3D animations are presented and ceramics found in the Huaca de la Luna are on exhibit. Also you can see murals decorated with different Mochicas mythological figures and its Cutthroat god. You will appreciate the Huaca del Sol, an imposing construction made with millions of mud bricks. Later you will visit the Huaca del Arco Iris, named Arco Iris or ‘rainbow’ because of the figures found in its walls and after 30 minutes you will visit Chan Chan Museum (closed on Mondays) to learn more about the Chimu Culture. A few kilometers far away you can find Chan-Chan “the largest citadel of Latin American constructed by mud brick”, here you can view each one of its squares and finally you will visit Huanchaco and its famous reed watercrafts.

Ninth day: City tour in Trujillo and tour in the Archaeological Site “El Brujo”.

Sitio Arqueologico el Brujo

During this part of the tour you will experience the most outstanding attractions of Trujillo City such as the Main Square, The Cathedral, Orbegoso House, Calonge Urquiaga House, Emancipation House, Iturregui Palace and small square of Recreation; each of these have colonial structures characteristics. Then you will visit the Huaca Cao Viejo, a place where the Lady of Cao was discovered and Huaca Prieta can be seen from outside. Towards the end of the tour you will visit the Museum of Cao, where you will see the Lady of Cao and its detailed tattoos. We will conclude our journey at the hotel of your choice.

Tenth day: City tour in Chiclayo and visit to Mercado de Brujos.

City tour en Chiclayo

After breakfast you will board the bus to Chiclayo and after a small break you will visit the Main Plaza, the Cathedral of Chiclayo, Elias Aguirre Small Square, Muse’s Stroll and the Witches market or herbalist, where shamans of the area sell their medicinal herbs.

Eleventh day: Tour to Sipan and Bruning Museum.

Huaca Rajada

On this day you will visit the Huaca Rajada, a place where the tomb of the Sipan Lord was found. We will visit the Bruning Museum, which has an incredible collection of ceramics, metalwork and textiles from different cultures of Northern and throughout Peru.

Twelfth day: Visit the Sican Museum, Pomac Forest, and Túcume.

Museo de Sican

After breakfast you will visit the Sican Museum to make a journey into the history of this culture. You will be able to learn their customs, burial ways, their technique of making ceramics and metalwork. You will continue to Pomac forest, where you will observe endemic birds, flora, and the ancient tree (carob), one of the most famous. Finally you will visit the Pyramids of Túcume and the Valley of Lambayeque culture that contains 26 mud brick pyramids.

Thirteenth day: Flight from Chiclayo to Lima.


We will pick you up from your hotel to transport you to the airport CAP. FAP. ” JOSE ABELARDO QUIÑONES GONZALES”, where you will take a flight to Lima City and upon your arrival you will be transferred to the selected hotel. You will have free afternoon to explore your surroundings on your own.

Fourteenth day: Bus from Lima to Paracas, Tour in Ballestas Islands and Paracas National Reserve.

Tour en las Islas Ballestas

Very early in the morning our staff will transfer you to the bus station for your trip to Paracas. You will enjoy of the Ballestas Islands and Paracas National Reserve, where you could admire the different species of sea lions, seals, penguins and seabirds. In the evening you will board the bus to Nazca, where you will spend the night.

Fifteenth day: Nazca Lines overflight and transfer to Arequipa.

Lineas de Nazca

After breakfast you will be transferred to the airport of Nazca for your flight tour. Firstly you are going to receive some information about the geoglyphs to get you excited, before taking the 45 minute flight over the incredible Nazca Lines, to see for yourself. Many people believe that these giant figures were made by aliens, among which we can distinguish animals like a monkey, a spider, a hummingbird and others. After the overflight, you will be transferred to Arequipa, where you will spend the night in your selected hotel.

Sixteenth day: City tour in Arequipa.

City Tour en Arequipa

After lunch you will start your journey to Santa Catalina Convent, cloister of Jesus’ Company, the neighborhoods of Cayma and Yanahuara, and observe El Misti Volcano. Finally we will visit a viewpoint known as “Carmen Alto” from which we will have a spectacular view of three volcanoes that surround the beautiful, ‘White City’ of Arequipa.

Seventeenth day: Trip to Colca Canyon.

Cañon del Colca Arequipa

In the morning our staff will pick you up from your hotel to drive you to Colca Valley, located in the north-eastern of Arequipa. Here you can see Colca River and Colca Canyon, considered as one of the deepest Canyons of the world. On the way to Colca Valley you will see interesting natural landscapes, condors, llamas, alpacas, guanacos, vicugnas and vizcachas.

Eighteenth day: Journey to Cruz del Condor to see condors and Bus to Puno.

Cruz del Condor

On the sixth morning we make our way to Cruz del Condor. You will can see 14 colourful communities along the valley of which the road passes at the edge of the canyon. From the top you can have a panoramic view, perfect for photos and below flows the Colca River at a depth of 1,200 meters. From here you are standing at eye level with the flight of the condors. One of the largest flying birds in the world, the Andean condor has the largest wingspan of any bird in the sky. In the afternoon you will take the bus to Puno city.

Nineteenth day: Tour on Titicaca Lake, Uros and Taquile Islands.

Titicaca el lago mas alto del Mundo

After having breakfast in the hotel, you will be transferred to the port in Puno where you will board a boat. We will make stops in Uros to see the floating islands, an old pre-Inca community that took refuge on the waters of this lake – people were forced to take up residency on the floating islands when the Incas expanded onto their land. We will see how native people make their rafts, homes and furnitures using totora reeds, junco (plant) of the lake. Continuing our activities, we will arrive to Taquile Island an outstanding natural beauty with ethnic, cultural and archaeological sites.. At 5:30 p.m. we will be returning to the hotel.

Twentieth day: Tour in the route Puno to Cusco “The Sun’s Route” visiting: Pucara, La Raya, Sicuani, Raqchi and Andahuaylillas.


You will be driven to the bus station to get to Cusco. We will visit: Pucara and make our first stop at the Lithic Museum where we will dive into the history and evolution of the Andean man from primitive times. Our next stop is La Raya, the highest point on the route, here you can take some great pictures. We will later have lunch in a local restaurant in Sicuani before stopping in Raqchi, where is located the “Temple of Wiracocha God”. Andahuaylillas regarded as the Sixteenth Chapel of Americas due to its incredible art work which consists of mosaics, murals, religious paintings and spectacular altars. Finally we will arrive to Cusco where our staff will transfer you to the selected hotel.

Twenty-First day: City tour in Cusco.

Qoricancha city tour en Cusco

You will have a free morning to rest, have lunch or explore the city. Our staff will pick you up between 13:00hrs and 13:30hrs to begin with the Cusco City tour. We will be visiting the Cathedral, a Colonial religious monument of extraordinary artistic value; the Koricancha or Sun Temple, where you can appreciate some of the finest work that Incas performed on stone. On the outskirts of Cusco city, we will visit: Sacsayhuaman, a fortress with an strategic location offering an unparalleled view of the town, here Inti Raymi or “Sun Festivity” is performed every June 24th. Finally you are going to visit Kenko, Puca Pucara and Tambomachay.

Twenty-Second day: Tour to the Sacred Valley of the Incas.

Valle Sagrado de los Incas

On the twenty-second day of the tour we will pick you up from your hotel in Cusco, between 07:50hrs and 08:30hrs before taking a drive into the stunning Sacred Valley of the Incas. Here we will visit the colourful town of Pisac with its narrow, cobbled streets and its traditional Indian Market, (where you can purchase the local handcrafts) and the Inca sites the are high in the mountain tops above the town. After we continue our journey through the valley to Urubamba, where we will have delicious, buffet lunch at a local restaurant. In the Afternoon we will visit the Archaeological Park of Ollantaytambo (the only town in Peru where it is possible to find people living in the same buildings that served as the homes of the Inkan Society). In the late afternoon we will board the train to Aguas Calientes where we spend the night beneath Machu Picchu.

Twenty-Third day: Tour to Machu Picchu “The Lost City of the Incas” and climb up to Huayna Picchu.

Oh! Machu Picchu maravilla del mundo

Very early the next morning, you will have breakfast before taking the bus uphill for around 30 minutes, to reach to the Historical Sanctuary of “Machu Picchu”. Arriving to Machu Picchu, you are going to pass the control gate, have your tickets checked, then our guided tour will begin. You will be visiting and learning about, the Main Plaza, the Circular Tower, the intiwatana “sun fastener”, the Royal Quarters, the Three Windows Temple, for an average of two hours. Then you are going to have free time to explore this wonder of the world on your own.
Later in the afternoon you are going to take the train back to Ollantaytambo (depending of the train departure time), the return will be made through the same path way to reach the train station in Ollantaytambo. In Ollantaytambo, we will be waiting for you to get back to your hotel in Cusco city.

Twenty-Fourth day: Free day in Cusco.

Plaza de Armas de la Ciudad de Cusco

On this day you will be free to visit museums, restaurants, markets and craft centers to purchase crafts, pottery, jewelry, as you wish. Walk around the main square, explore the stunning San Blas area also know as “artisans neighborhood”, San Pedro Market or visit the 12 angles stone.

Twenty-Fifth day: Flight from Cusco to Lima.

Vuelo Avion

Two hours before your flight takes off, our staff will transfer you from the hotel to the airport where you will board the plane to Lima city and upon your arrival you will be driven to your hotel to have a free and relaxing afternoon.

Twenty-Sixth day: Farewell.

Cusco y sus destinos turisticos

At the scheduled time, you will be driven to the airport to take your international flight to the next destination.
