Complejo Arqueologico de Tambomachay

City tour in Cusco City

The best way to experience the historical capital of the Inca Empire, is with our Cusco City Tour, which runs every afternoon between 13:00hrs and 13:30hrs.
Our agency will pick you up from your hostel in Cusco City, before visiting attractions such as: The Basilica Cathedral, one of the most notable and colonial monuments in the America´s; Qoricancha or Coricancha, the sacred Temple Of The Sun; The must-see, pre-Inca monument of Sacsayhuaman; Kenko, with its underground chamber where the mummification was carried out; Puca Pucara and Tambomachay, both important archaeological centres of religious character.

Daily departures:
From 13:00 hrs to 18:30 hrs


 City Tour in Cusco *****

Rates per Person

USD 15

Tour includes:

  • Pick you up from your hotel in Cusco.
  • Tourist transportation.
  • Professional tour guide.

Tour does not includes:

  • Entrance fees to all attractions to visit.

Mapa – Recorrido del Tour

Mapa de recorrido de Nuestro City tour en la Ciudad de Cusco |

Ticket Prices

General Tourist Ticket

  • Price Foreign Tourists: s /. 130.00
  • Price National Tourists: s /. 70.00

With this ticket you can visit: Sacsayhuaman, Kenko, Pukapukara Tambomachay, Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Chinchero, Moray, Tipón, Pikillaqta, the museum of Qoricancha, The Regional Historic Museum, the Museum of contemporary art, and the monument of the inca Pachacuteq

Partial Tourist ticket

To make the City Tour, you will need the ” Partial Tourist Ticket” which includes Sacsayhuaman, Kenko,Puca Pucara and Tambomachay.

  • Price Foreign Tourists: s /. 70.00
  • Price National Tourists: s /. 40.00

Additionally you will require admission tickets for the Cathedral and Koricancha:

  • Cathedral S /. 25 Peruvian soles.
  • Koricancha S /. 10 Peruvian soles.

Tour description

The best way to experience the historical capital of the Inca Empire, is with our Cusco City Tour, which runs every afternoon between 13:00hrs and 13:30hrs.


Plaza de Armas de la Ciudad de Cusco

Colonial religious monument of an extraordinary artistic value, inside the work of cusqueñian artists are exhibited.


Qoricancha city tour en Cusco

The ancient Sun Temple located in the heart of Cusco is famous for its unique stone architecture. This grand Temple was once filled with gold and contains many different chambers dedicated to the god´s of the Sun, Moon, Stars, Thunder and Rainbows, which makes it stand out from anything else.



It is one of the most significant archaeological legacies that Cusco City has, due to its construction, composed of huge blocks of stone. It´s construction lasted over 50 years and used more than 20,000 men.



Another archaeological complex of the Inca Empire time is of particular interest due to its subterranean chamber made entirely of giant rock, the huge semicircular amphitheatre which was used as a temple for public ceremonies, the underground galleries and a sculpture which stands is meters high.



This fortress is composed of large walls, terraces, staircases and was part of the defensive centre of Cusco, in particular and the Inca Empire in general.


Tambomachay, Centro de ceremonia Inca

An archaeological site that was destined to worship the water and the head of the Inca Empire. This place is also known as “Bath of the Inca” or” Ñusta’s bath”. It consists of a series of aqueducts, canals and three waterfalls that run though the ruins.
